Wuste 2014 Coverage
Wuste is one of the biggest Audi, VW & European car shows in the West, and this year the show returned to its “roots” hosting the event at the Palace Station in Las Vegas rather than the Motor Speedway like last year. My good friend (and stellar photog) David Venezia of Venezia Photography was lucky enough to attend and put together some great pictures, as well as the video you’ll see below (warning, some NSFW language).
Wuste is definitely one of the most laid back car shows I’ve attended in years past, with a minimal focus on awards or scene points, and instead everyone getting together to revel in their mutual interest and passion for their cars, as well as maybe enjoy some Las Vegas debauchery while they’re at it.
I’m hoping to return next year, and glad to see this event is going strong and continuing to attract a nice group of enthusiasts, vendors, and even corporate support from VW. The event also tends to bring out an incredibly diverse cross-section of cars, from the mild to the extreme – the RS4 above probably fitting in more towards the extreme category, but I’m really digging it.
The event was dominated by Audi & VWs but has slowly branched out to other European marques as well. David included some of his favorite pictures for me to post here, but has hundreds of other pictures on Facebook that you can check out.
Thursday was mostly for those who arrived early, while Friday’s events included a group cruise to the Hoover Dam, while Saturday was the main event. Sunday included yet another group cruise to Mount Charleston, as well as a cool photobooth from VW of America that attendees could check out. The event’s headline sponsor was APR, but also had a handful of other sponsors ranging from VW to Rotiform, Fifteen52, Because Bags, Unitronic and many others.
Below are some more of my favorite pics from the event – but be sure to head to Venezia Photography on Facebook for the rest! You can also check out past years coverage on my site from 2013, 2012, and even way back to 2011.