Incredible Audi Crash Pictures

Some of these crash pics may be tough to look at, but I think they serve as good reminders to drive safe, check your mirrors & blind spots, NEVER drive drunk, never street race, never text & drive, and practice safety on the track and on the street a like. While a car accident is nearly impossible to avoid sooner or later, there is a lot you can do to greatly reduce the chances of it happening as well as the severity of a crash when it does.
Totaling your car is an awful experience (trust me, I’ve been there and done that), resulting in serious injuries such as whiplash or even death, and not to mention struggling to get compensation for your losses can be difficult as well. Please take these pictures as a reminder to drive safely, wear your seatbelt, and do everything you can to make sure you arrive at your destination safely.
With that little lecture out of the way, it’s perfectly cool if you just want to gawk at the pictures for sheer carnage factor and not take away any lessons on driving safer 🙂 I’ll admit some of these pictures are pretty crazy to see!

Okay, I don’t think I can take looking at any more Audi crash pictures, so that’s all for now. Know of any other epic Audi crashes? Leave a link to the pic in the comments and I’ll add it here.